Acupuncture ServicesIf you have a problem that hasn’t responded to traditional western medicine, why not give acupuncture a try? Dr. Fraser will always tell you upfront whether or not acupuncture is appropriate for you.
In addition to treating headaches, neck and lower back pain, acupuncture helps a variety of different conditions. In his clinic, Dr. Fraser has great success treating patients with early MS symptoms, asthma, and menopause. Science is just beginning to prove what acupuncturists have known for centuries—acupuncture works! |
Dr. Fraser received his NCCAOM certification in 1998 (required for all acupuncturists) and holds state licenses in both chiropractic and acupuncture. He has staff privileges at Boulder Community Hospital, where he has had an office for over ten years and is a member of the Acupuncture Association of Colorado and the Colorado Chiropractic Association. |
The Science
Acupuncture is the art and science of inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. By most accounts, it originated in China, and is documented to be at least 2,500 years old; though many authorities believe it is much older than that. Though some of the theories regarding acupuncture have changed over the years, a large part of the time honored understandings remain in use today. And it’s so easy, many of Dr. Fraser’s patients fall asleep during treatment.
Modern research (including MRI studies) has verified acupuncture’s effectiveness and influence. The National Institute of Health has done several of the groundbreaking studies on the healing technique. For example, we now use it to wake patients suffering from traumatic injuries who slipped into a coma. Acupuncture was also found to improve their neurological disabilities after they woke. Other studies, including new research at Stanford University, make it clear acupuncture is effective in reducing skeletal pain, i.e. neck and back pain, nausea, postoperative pain, and migraine headaches. |